Stanford and Jovoto Launch New Competitions to Measure Peace
The Stanford Peace Innovation Lab, in partnership with jovoto is launching the first of a series of competitions centered around visualizing peace metrics. jovoto is a unique online platform that delivers creative intelligence through the power of collaboration with the global community. Together, our goal is to inspire creatives (creative people around the world) to help us name, brand and provide visualization tools for this new effort.
Our kickoff competitions are In the Name of Peace and Peace 2.0 the Icon.In the Name of Peace: The Stanford Peace Innovation Lab wants to know how you all would name these kinds of visualizations - It’s a data map of sorts, but of social, inter-group space, in which geography, group boundaries, and time are just some of the dimensions represented. It’s also like a dashboard or instrument panel to understand peace and conflict better; Or a radar display, to better navigate a social terrain we can only see glimpses of.Submit your ideas: In the Name of Peace Follow #nameofpeace on TwitterPeace 2.0 The Icon: As a second step, the Stanford Peace Innovation Lab is in need of an icon for this research project – a modern symbol of peace the captures our new ability to visualize human interactions.Submit your ideas:Peace 2.0 The IconFollow #peaceicon on TwitterSubmissions to both competitions run from Sept 1 6 pm EST through Sept 29, 2011 12pm EST.Learn more: New Ways to Visualize Peace