Future : Framework, Fantasy or Fate?

The currently growing rate of technological change will have explosive repurcussions in social structures, economic stability and psychological well being. Yet, with the exception of a few specialists, this is barely being talked about in public. Our politicians seldom address it, our schools are not preparing their students for it and industrial leaders are focused on their short term interests.- But this is our future. It’s time to start the discussion.Typically, talks about the future focus on the extremes of utopian pleasure domes versus dystopian nightmares. However, history guides us to focus on the muddy middle ground, where our human tendencies toward depravity collide with nobel visions of altruism to create the plodding story of humanity that is our legacy. At this peace lab we will look at trends that are real or highly likely, what their repercussions might be and how we can participate in constructing a future that will optimize our own well-being.

AGENDA:18.30 Doors open19.00 Welcome & Energizer19.15 Presentation: Daniel Trattler, Founder, eobiont19.45 Group discussion: How might we create an inclusive and pro-active public discussion about the future?20.30 Collective: Share insights and ideas21.00 “Drink o´Clock” (Location: TBD)SPEAKER INTRODUCTION:Daniel Trattler: Entrepreneur, creative director, copywriter, artist and passionate provocateur.ORGANIZERS:Eobiont is a Berlin-based agency with a focus on public awareness and behavior change. The campaigns they have developed are often directed at a specific demographic such as children or seniors. Topics include safety, health and education.Berlin Peace Innovation Lab, as part of the Stanford Peace Innovation Lab global network, focuses on how technology is facilitating emerging and measurable social changes toward global peace. The Berlin Peace Innovation Lab provides design frameworks, principles and methodologies for interventions that will increase positive engagement at scale.


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