Creating a Global Movement on a Zero Budget
- Dec 15, 2014 · 7:00 PM
You want to change the world for the better, but don´t know where to start? Or maybe you have an idea, but only little time and absolutely no budget. Don´t let that stop you. Tonight´s Peace Lab is designed to help you get your project off to a good start.Newly returned from running workshops in Russia, Anne Kjær Riechert will share her experience founding and running Kids Have a Dream, a global youth empowerment organization.First Anne will present her work and distill her 8-years of experience down to practical "lessons learned". After a Q&A you will have time to draw your own dream for the future and get to present it to the group. Maybe somebody in the audience can even help you make it come true!Agenda:18.45 Doors open19.00 Welcome & Energizer19.15 Presentation: Anne Kjær Riechert - Kids Have a Dream19.45 Q&A20.00 Workshop: Draw your dream20.30 Collective: Share your dream21.00 Drink o´ClockTicket:It is Christmas! We will therefore charge 10 Euros to participate in the lab. The money will be 100% donated to Global Compassion to organize a dream workshop for kids in Cameroon during Christmas.Students: Pay 50% (5 Euros) when showing a valid student card.
Speaker introductionAnne Kjær Riechert founded Kids Have a Dream in 2006 when she worked as a volunteer for a NGO in South Africa. Inspired by a 12-year-old HIV positive boy she started to organize workshops for youth all around the world asking them to draw and discuss their dream for the future. She has now collected more than 4000 dreams from 29 countries all around the globe, and exhibited them in collaboration with organizations like Amnesty International, Rotary International and UNAIDS.You can watch an interview with Anne here about how and why she founded Kids Have a Dream.Organizer:Berlin Peace Innovation Lab, as part of the Stanford Peace Innovation Lab global network, focuses on how technology is facilitating emerging and measurable social changes toward global peace. The Berlin Peace Innovation Lab provides design frameworks, principles and methodologies for interventions that will increase positive engagement at scale.