Media- and social media strategies play a vital role in gaining attention and support for social causes. But how can you get a 1-page spread in Der Spiegel about your project? Or get RTL, SAT1, and n.tv to promote your newest social app on the day of release without paying a penny? Or even better, how can you become the No.1 go-to-person, when German media needs a comment on the topic that you are most passionate about? What is the chemistry of sofa-PR?This evening we will listen to several exciting and controversial case studies from a man who has done it all: from teasing the German car-lobby for years and (legally) “attacking” badly parked cars with spray cream, to organizing yoga-biking classes for cycling enthusiasts. Heinrich Strößenreuther, better known as the Bicycle Rebel of Germany, will share the lessons he has learned to get his voice heard. Afterwards we will pair up and develop new campaign designs for causes that you are interested in.Agenda:18.30 Doors open19.00 Welcome & Energizer: Purpose of the evening - Anne Riechert, Founder Berlin Peace Innovation Lab19.15 Presentation: Heinrich Strößenreuther: ”Promoting a cause: between conflict and Facebook likes”19.45 Collective brainstorming: Your cause in conflict or “Like” campaign design20.30 Collective: Share insights and ideas21.00 “Drink o´Clock”Ticket:We have experienced a fair amount of "no-shows" lately, we will therefore this time charge 5 Euros for the Meetup, to see if that helps with attendance. The money will be donated to "
Bikes Without Borders" to support refugees in Germany.You can also pay 10 Euros at the door on the day.We do NOT offer a refund, but your money will be used for a good cause.Speaker introductionHeinrich Strößenreuther has worked for 20 years on mobility and sustainability issues in Germany. His track record is long, and amongst others count campaigning for Greenpeace, working as an officer in the German Bundestag and being the director of the Board of the Association for Ecological Economy Research. In addition he worked for 10 years at Deutsche Bahn in the strategy and environmental management group and in 2010 he developed Hamburg's climate protection strategy for the transport sector as an independent consultant.Organizers:”
Initiative Clevere Städte” is a Berlin-based initiative campaigning for more bike lanes to create more livable and climate-friendly cities. The initiative organizes PR-savvy social actions, publishes relevant material and mix with decission makers and throught leaders, who share their objectives. They are also the masterminds behind the smartphone-App "Wegeheld", which allows citizens to report illegal parking in the city.
Berlin Peace Innovation Lab, as part of the
Stanford Peace Innovation Lab global network, focuses on how technology is facilitating emerging and measurable social changes toward global peace. The Berlin Peace Innovation Lab provides design frameworks, principles and methodologies for interventions that will increase positive engagement at scale.
The betterplace lab is a think- and do-tank which wants to help as many people as possible use digital technology to make the world a place more worth living in. They research digital social innovations and spread knowledge.