Collaborative Sandbox: Innovation management tools
- Jun 11, 2015 · 6:30 PM
In our next Collaborative Sandbox we will experiment with two innovation management tools that help social enterprises, cooperatives and non-profits to strengthen their innovation capacity.
“Organizations with a restricted view of innovation might miss opportunities”If you can relate to this statement you will probably enjoy our workshop. Whether you are engaged with social enterprises, cooperatives or non-profits, developing the innovation capacity of your organization (or getting out from the cave) will reinforce its social impact.The tools we will experiment with in this workshop aim at structuring and supporting the sustainability of your organization’s innovation management. More specifically, these tools will help you to diagnose the innovation capacity of your organization, explore innovation opportunities, draft an action plan and evaluate the results.Consider for a moment a project you are taking part of. Could the project benefit, if the social enterprise, cooperative or non-profit implementing it cultivates its innovation capacity? Keep that thought and come along to test two tools that will help your organization to advance in this direction.Moderator introductionHernán Gutiérrez (PhD) has fulfilled a number of responsibilities for several international non-profit organizations, social enterprises and cooperatives, including program, project and team management, advocacy and consulting. Throughout his career, he has engaged in a range of fields: social research, social impact and evaluation, urban/regional development, civil sector capacity building, sustainable development, governance and innovation management, among others.Agenda18.30 Arrival19.00 Welcome & introduction19.20 Hands-on application of a “diagnosis tool”19.50 Sharing of results and reflection20.10 Hands-on application of an “exploration tool”20.40 Sharing of results and reflection21.00 Beer o’clock! (opportunity to network and get some drinks)What is "Collaborative Sandbox"?We like to give you tools in your hands to help you create change. Instead of merely discussing interesting topics in organizational and societal change, we want to dig deeper: play, experiment and test to give you first hand experiences. Then, share, reflect and get smarter together!OrganizersBerlin Peace Innovation Lab, as part of the Stanford Peace Innovation Lab global network, focuses on how technology is facilitating emerging and measurable social changes toward global peace. The Berlin Peace Innovation Lab provides design frameworks, principles and methodologies for interventions that will increase positive engagement at scale.